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Publication of the Viviti (Alcon Continuous Focus Lens) Study in an International Academic Journal

A joint study by our clinic and Samsung Seoul Hospital was published in an international academic journal. 

The study compared clinical results from three groups: Viviti (Alcon’s continuous focus lens), the trifocal lens PanOptic, and monofocal lens implantation.

The Viviti group had less glare, better distance and intermediate vision, and did not require glasses for near-vision.

Post-surgery surveys indicated high patient satisfaction with Viviti.

This study also demonstrated the effectiveness of the mono-vision surgical technique for enhancing near-vision after Viviti surgery.


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Number Subject

Introduction of Topo-Guided LASIK's Methods for Improving Eyesight

Introducing how Topo-guided LASIK's results can be improved over US FDA-approved methods

Our clinic is the first in Korea to lecture Contoura principles and results in KSCRS by comparing them to Wavefront optimized LASIK

A case of correcting the cause of vision loss after surgery for conical cornea and cataract with severe irregular astigmatism in the cornea was announced.

Surgical Case Lecture on Staphylococcal Exudation Syndrome

Medical director Sungjin Na gives lectures on cases of uveolar effusion syndrome, a rare disease, and surgical methods using video clips. He presents a case of successful improvement through sclerecto...

Medical director Sungho Choi achieved 3,000 ICL cases

The Asia-Pacific Society presented a certification plaque from STAR SURGICAL COMPANY and announced the results and know-how of various medical information, including ophthalmologists and the latest su...

Medical director Na Sung-jin Announces Retinal Peeling After Glaucoma Surgery

Medical director Na Sungjin presented a case of retinal detachment with severe choroidal detachment after glaucoma surgery using Ex-Press shunt at the Korean Retinal Society Summer Conference using vi...

Presenting a study on the effects of presbyopia correction through LASIK surgery at the World Cornea Congress

We presented at the World Cornea Congress about the effects of presbyopia correction through LASIK surgery in patients with refractive abnormalities.

Introducing two cases of acute guide inflammation after 23gauge vitrectomy at the Korean Academy of Retinal Diseases

We presented a case of acute guide inflammation that occurred one after another after unsealed vitreous resection at the conference of the Korean Retinal Society. The possibility of guide inflammation...

Presents Study on Early Surgery Results of Noan Lasik in Koreans

Medical director attended the 2014 London ESCRS Society and presented the results of a study on the results of early surgery for presbyopia in Koreans.

Present a study on the cause of night vision loss after ICL insertion

After ICL insertion, the cause of night vision deterioration is identified, and research on prevention methods is published.

Our clinic presented a result and stability study after artificial lens insertion at ASCRS·AOSA.

We have published research results on the results and safety of artificial lens insertion surgery.

The present about results of a study has performed on one of the world's top three ophthalmologist journals.

Presented a study on the correlation between preoperative biometric measures and ICL.

A Study on 23 Gauge vitreous ablation using air charging in retinal detachment is presented.

The 23-gauge vitreectomy using air charging in retinal detachment has the advantage of rapid vision recovery while showing a 94.7% success rate in the first operation.