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Presbyopia Lens Implantation

A new way to open for the treatment of
presbyopia and low vision
First Samsung Eye Clinic

Diagnostic test for irregular astigmatism developed

World's first treatment announced


Presbyopia is a symptom of the lens losing flexibility as it ages. From years of alternating between near and far vision, the lens becomes less flexible as it ages, reducing its ability to switch between near, intermediate, and far focus.

Presbyopia symptoms

Difficulty reading mobile phone texts

Difficulty working at close range (about 20-30cm)

Seeing clearly and accurately with magnifying glasses

Getting more distant when reading newspapers or books

Symptoms of blurred vision, discomfort, and others

Symptoms of eye strain when reading, resulting in headaches

Feeling stiff and heavy in the eyes

Who should have presbyopia corrected?


A new type of presbyopia-correcting intraocular lens that
combines Artiflex and Precizon multifocal lenses

Why First Samsung Eye Clinic chose Artiplus

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  • 1차 시술 분류
  • 2차 시술 분류세부 항목 선택 / 중복 선택 가능
지점 First Samsung Eye Clinic