Retina Center
Retinal Vascular Occlusion
The retina contains retinal arteries, retinal veins,
and their branches.
When these vessels become blocked by
various causes, resulting in decreased vision,
the condition is called retinal vascular occlusion.
There are two forms of retinal vascular occlusion: blockage of the retinal arteries
(retinal arterial occlusion)
and blockage of the veins (retinal venous occlusion).
Retinal vascular occlusions are characterised by a sudden, painless onset of vision impairment,
with the extent and rate of vision loss varying depending on the location of the occlusion.
Laser treatment is used to prevent
neovascularisation caused by general
ischaemia of the retina (a condition in which
the tissue is poorly supplied with blood),
and intraocular antibody injections or topical
laser treatment is used for macular oedema.