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Cataract Refractive Revision Surgery Clinic

First Samsung Eye Clinic
Cataract Revision Surgery Clinic

Surgeons with extensive clinical experience,
if your vision remains low after cataract surgery, we can find and treat the cause.


Incorrect intraocular lens selection

Over 500 surgeries performed annually,
First Samsung Eye Clinic
multifocal intraocular lens exchange

The right multifocal intraocular lens for each eye
should be chosen by considering factors
such as peripheral spherical aberration,
irregular astigmatism of the cornea, pupil size, retinal conditions,
degree of dryness, age, and near vision requirements.
If the choice of intraocular lens is incorrect, vision can be
improved by exchanging the lens or treating other conditions.
Our Eye clinic has performed over 300 multifocal intraocular
lens exchanges and receives referrals from other eye clinics.


Irregular astigmatism of the cornea

First Samsung Eye Clinic,
Korea's first treatment for
irregular astigmatism

The medical staff of First Samsung Eye Clinic performed
corrective surgery for patients with low visual acuity due to
irregular astigmatism after presbyopic cataract surgery,
and reported the treatment method and results for the
first time in the world in 2020 in the online journal
Scientific reports, a top academic journal.
The treatment for irregular astigmatism has been started
for the first time in Korea, and Eye clinic specialists with
the most experience are performing the surgery.

First Samsung Eye Clinic
Treatment Cases

Corneal topography before (right) and
3 months after surgery (right).
The best-corrected visual acuity improved from 0.3 to 1.0.


Intraocular lens abnormalities

Intraocular lens dislocation correction
with high reoperation rate

When the position of the intraocular lens deviates from normal or
is dislocated due to trauma, it can be corrected surgically.
which has a high frequency of reoperation,
at once by choosing the best method.

At First Samsung Eye Clinic, when a multifocal IOL dislocates,
the existing IOL can be spared and
corrected to the axis of astigmatism.


Diseases of the retina
- Epiretinal membrane, myiodesopsia

Epiretinal membrane

A new membrane develops on the surface of the retina,
causing a wrinkle in the macula, which reduces vision.
Epiretinal membranes can be removed to restore vision.


Severe myiodesopsia is more than just uncomfortable
it reduces vision and quality of vision.
Especially after presbyopic cataract surgery,
myiodesopsia (clouding of the vitreous) greatly affects vision.

It can improve with surgical treatment.


If myopia, farsightedness,
or astigmatism remains after surgery

Improve the quality of vision
by correcting refractive error

If myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism remain after surgery
and cause refractive errors that reduce your vision,
an intraocular lens replacement or LASIK surgery
can provide visual correction.

Reducing the irregular astigmatism of the cornea caused
by ageing can help you see more clearly.

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