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What is the retina?

What is the retina?

The retina is a thin neural membrane inside our eyes that is
the film equivalent of a camera.
When we see an object or a letter, we know what
it is because the image is transmitted to the brain by the retina.
In other words, the retina is the most important part of the eye
because it converts light from our eyes into electrical signals

and sends them to the brain via nerves.

To do this, the retina contains more than 100 million light-sensing cells
(photoreceptors), more than 1 million optic nerve cells, and over a million
optic nerve cells, and countless cells that act as wires to connect them.
This makes the retina one of the most sophisticated tissues in the body.

Why do retinal exams?

Enlarged Retinal Examination
A cross-sectional examination of the eye

Since the retina is located deep inside the eye, it is difficult to detect abnormalities using a normal external examination.
Therefore, specialized equipment and specialist help are often required to detect and treat retinal diseases.

Retinal examination and diagnosis

시술 분류
  • 1차 시술 분류
  • 2차 시술 분류세부 항목 선택 / 중복 선택 가능
지점 First Samsung Eye Clinic